How to wear denim business casual

As more work environments become increasingly casual, I’ve been helping many clients navigate the world of denim and how to wear it (appropriately) to work. How to wear denim to business casual Fridays.

I always suggest a dark, clean denim.

However, you know your work environment better than I and maybe light denim is acceptable when outfitted professionally.  When in doubt- wear a dark wash.

Lastly, make sure to wear that pull-it-all-together third piece like a blazer or fabulous sweater that dresses up the overall look.

Simply enjoy!



Here are a few outfit ideas for how to wear denim business casual. 

Business casual denim looks, Hanna Lee Style, hannaleestyle.comBusiness casual denim looks, Hanna Lee Style, hannaleestyle.comBusiness casual denim looks, Hanna Lee Style,



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