Do you see those beautifully organized closets on Pinterest and swoon? Yeah, me too.
I know we all don’t have the Kardashian’s closets (the size of a full room) but here are three simple steps you can do right now to make getting dressed easier and have a Pinterest-worthy closet.

Three steps to an organized closet (and feel like you’re shopping from a boutique!)
1. Use identical hangers– this alone is a closet game-changer. I love the Huggable Hangers here because they’re slim and pretty. I also love Costco’s for their knock-off version (however, I will tell you- they’re definitely not as well made as the Huggables.) But you can’t beat Costco’s $9.99 for 50 hangers.
2. Sort clothes by color. Just as most boutiques do this, it’s a beautiful visual representation of what you have. Sort light, left, to right, dark.
3. Organize like with like within the same color. I begin with sleeveless and then move forward with it’s length of sleeve.
Sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve.