If you’re like any of my clients, you’ve got a drawer full of accessories and belts you’re not using. Here are some ideas to use those belts!
While a belt may seem like a simple accessory, as you can see, it can transform an outfit.
Additionally, they can create or emphasize a waist.
Afraid you have no waist? Create (ahem, fake) a waist by using a skinny belt at the smallest part of your waist.
It creates an immediate hourglass shape! (no gym required)

My love of wardrobe was inspired by my grandma. (I was fortunate to inherit much of her wardrobe.)
A simple before and after to see an “outfit” difference.

This is one of my grandma’s belts below. This outfit is actually a top and a skirt but I’ve brought it all together using her belt.

PS- I chat about this on a podcast episode inside of Stylist in Your Back Pocket but I will share the quick story: set yourself up well to use your accessories.
You need visual cues that make your accessories EASY for you to use.
You need visual cues that make your accessories EASY for you to use.