Is your closet giving you anxiety? Get organized!


Can you imagine knowing where everything is in your closet?

Imagine you knew where your jewelry, those thin black socks, slips, tanks, hats. Shoes. Every item you have had it’s own very perfect place.

Talk about efficiency!  Knowing where all your pieces and clothes are can dramatically save you time getting ready in the morning and putting your pieces away.

Closet organization is one of my favorite services I offer because it really sets you up for a lifetime of getting dressed easily!

What closet organization looks like:

  • We have a 30 minute consult at your home looking at your current closet.  What is working? What does not work?
  • I suggest/research tools that will make a difference for you: (bins & acrylic trays-see above some of my favorite tools!)
  • Shop for the tools we have agreed on
  •  Meet you at your house to create an impeccably organized wardrobe.  We take everything out (and I mean everything; jewelry, belts, scarves, workout gear, any “wearables”)

You’ll most likely discover “new pieces” you forgot you had! 

Matching hangers are a must have to any organized closet. It creates a streamlined, clean closet.  My favorite?   I began with the Huggable Hangers from HSN. Then, Costco started carrying the same velvet thin hangers, 35 hangers for $10, can you believe that?  Love it!

I then organize your wardrobe by:

  • Sort.   We make piles  1)donate  2) sell through Kind Closets: Consign for a Cause  3) Re-purpose (hem, change color with dye, change style)
  • Season.   We box or put your other seasonal wardrobe out of your current closet/immediate space
  • Styles (short sleeve, long sleeves, dresses, going out clothes, work clothes, pants, skirts..)
  • Color.  Organizing by color truly helps getting dressed.  You often know what color you want to wear or avoid-  immediately streamlining the search, you go right to your color bunch.
  • Final hanger change (if need be)

Organized! Labels will be on bins. Everything will have a place.


You will now have an organized, effective closet to shop from; getting dressed for work, social or an event will no longer be a chore but be fun! 


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