
3 Wardrobe Audit Pitfalls & How to Conquer them

If you’re like the rest of the world and you’ve binge-watched Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up on Netflix and you’re stumped when it comes to common audit questions like “what if I lose weight?”..I’ve got you covered.


1. My grandma gave it to me…

One of my favorite quotes I think of often from professional organizer Peter Walsh, “That sweater is not your mother.”

He, of course, means if you let that sweater go that your mom gave you- you’re not letting her go.

If you’ve been a loyal reader of mine (thanks by the way!) you’d know that I inherited many pieces from my grandma.

It’s been both challenging and freeing letting go of her pieces (I’m so over having racks of clothing and let’s be honest- I don’t have the budget for that many alterations. (wink).

I’ve paired it down to one wardrobe rack of beauty and delight.  Many of these, I will not have altered to fit me and I’ve saved for photo shoots and simply-beauty! I will let them go when needed.

Here’s an example below; I wore for my baby shower and was SO glad I held onto it despite it definitely not fitting at all when I wasn’t pregnant.

eco clothing friendly for women, hanna lee style, https://hannaleestyle.com/ethical-sustainable-clothing/

2. But I may lose weight…

Are you though? While this may sound harsh, be realistic.  If you’re 5-7 pounds away from those “maybe I’ll fit pieces”, go ahead and keep them.

Anything over 10 lbs and you haven’t actively lost the weight- let them go. Seriously.  Why keep the reminder of things that aren’t making you feel GREAT? Let. them. Go.

3. But, I had a baby…

Congrats!  Your body may be different or your body may be the same after your baby. This is so personal and unique to you.  Give yourself up to a year to get your pre-baby figure back.

If a year sounds not long enough, I’m going to leave this one up to you (wink). 

But really.  If you’re someone that works out and is super committed-go you!

If not-go you!  You know yourself well- honor that inner voice saying “No way..” or “Yeah way”


If you’re working on building a beautiful mix-and-match wardrobe capsule collection; here are the ultimate seven questions to ask yourself when wondering if you should toss or keep.


7 Simple Easy Questions to Ask Yourself When Struggling to Toss or Keep

1.  Does it fit? (If you find fit confusing..head over here. Before & Afters included!)

2.  Does it mix and match with my existing wardrobe?

3.  Do I feel comfortable in it (if you keep *trying* to  make a piece work- ditch it! It’s a sign it’s uncomfortable)

4. Would I buy this right now if I were out shopping?

5.  Is it damaged? (and worth the repair if so?)

6. Is it reflective of me?  My personality?

7. Do I love it? (*See my note below).




Sarah’s Circle is a non-profit organization with a mission of serving women who are homeless or in need of a safe space.

Toiletry items, clothing and miscellaneous items needed. Please see a further list here of items needed.

*Clothing sizes XL-3X are especially needed.



North Shore Exchange is a breeze to consign with (and shop! They have fabulous pieces.) 100% of their profits are donated to charity.

Check out more information here.

Donate Your Bras

This organization is close to my entrepreneurial heart. By donating your new or gently used bras, you’re giving economic opportunity that women use to change their lives.

Your financial donation helps survivors of human trafficking start their own businesses selling bras in their local second-hand clothing markets while they recover and build their new life.

See more information here.


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